Having allowed it to remain dormant for a few years, founder and frontman Doedsadmiral has given his black metal project Svartelder a considerable infusion of both enthusiasm and talent by bringing in members of Carpathian Forest, In The Woods, Den Saakaldte, Pantheon I and Old Forest to form a new line-up. Whilst Svartelder's roots were initially planted in Norwegian black metal, it is obvious that an influx of musicians with this kind of experience brings with it a whole different set of influences, as each of the members contribute their own skill-sets and style to the overall sound. They released their debut EP Askebundet in 2015, and their debut album Pyres on Dusktone in 2016. Doedsadmiral and Tjalve then recruited drummer Spektre, and released their sophomore album Pits, also through Dusktone! In 2021 the band is finnishing their 3rd album, and will soon announce a new label to release it....